Looking for custom products or to customize an existing product or Jump Drives?

Let SMG help you in sourcing the exact custom product that you are looking for. At SMG we have a dedicated team that is determined to source the products that are not available on our site, that you have seen or heard of, or you have conceived in your company’s board meeting; either way, we offer over 30 years in experience in helping your design a custom promotion that fits your budget and your program.

Overseas Sourcing

SMG has extensive overseas resources if you have enough lead time and are ordering a suitable volume, we can manufacture your order overseas at a considerable savings. Our overseas resources produce the same great quality product you may already be using domestically.
Additionally sourcing products through SMG overseas will typically allow you to further customize your products to exact specs you desire. You often have the option to create the product in a custom colors, even PMS matching the exact colors of your logo. SMG’s team has over 30 years of experience developing promotional products and printed materials. Our team specializes in keeping up with the cutting edge products and trends of our industry and our goal are to offer your firm the best promotional products for you’re campaign to fit inside your budget. Our domestic and overseas factories can design and produce a custom product to fit any promotion.

Custom Merchandise

Looking for something that doesn’t exist? Even if what you want doesn’t exist yet, we can help you make it. SMG can manage the entire process, from developing specs to overnight production samples so you’re confident that the final product is exactly what you wanted.
We have experience taking products from concept to completion for product types as diverse as toys to direct mail pieces to stuffed animals. Our team will help you design your initial sketches create digital designs to show you what the finished product will look like. We specialize in Jump Drives, but offer a full line of products and resources to help you in many other way.
Please send an email with your contact information, product needs and all other available pertinent information to: info@usbsmg.com